I love that Yeti (brilliant name!) got so angry with the purple fluffball. 😆 For my cat, unfooted slippers are her mortal enemies. She attacks them without mercy.

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Ha! Hilarious.

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May 21Liked by Naomi Krueger

How fun and exciting and stretching and life-giving! I am not a dog owner but I am a dog grandma and my son’s dog is long-term guest in my home. This furry adorable Malamute-Husky mix is a sweet companion, well-mannered, playful and loving. He is bright spot in my life and is welcome here until the time comes to return to his dad.

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As the mom of a daughter who used to have many different pets (gecko, rats, rabbits, several fish tanks) our dog was the easiest to manage if we went on vacation. My daughter now grown up, lives in another city, still has rabbits and also cats. We inherited some fish, but my dog is still my bestie. Yours is adorable!

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My family had an Australian terrier when I was growing up. My parents didn't want a dog, but my siblings and I were determined. We asked WHY they didn't want a dog, and what features/traits of a dog would they WANT. Then we researched and put together a project outlining the main points of how we researched various breeds, why we though the Australian terrier would be good choice that met all the criteria, included drawings etc.

My parents said yes. :-)

Years later, my mother died unexpectedly (fast-spreading lung cancer; she was NOT a smoker). A few years later, we had to put our dog to sleep. I remember my father, brother, sister, and I crowded into the vet's treatment room, tears pouring down our faces as the vet gave our dog the injection. Poor vet! We were all incredibly emotional not just because we were putting a beloved pet to sleep, but also because memories of our mother were inextricably entwined.

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What a great life-experience for you and your siblings to learn how to do research and create an argument to present to your parents. And how wonderful that they allowed themselves to be influenced by you! Sounds like you also experienced quite a bit of grief later on too. Thank you for sharing!

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Sweet. Almost makes me want a dog. Almost. 😅

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Do it! (Don't do it!) Ugh, so many reasons not to and so many reasons it's great. :)

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