I guess I see a big difference between what the original poster on Insta was saying (“Wouldn’t it be amazing to be a teenager again. Just for one day . . .”) and what you're saying ("But, in this fantasy tour of a past life, the highlight reel is where we’re headed.")

It seems to me that the conundrum behind the original question is, "Would you take teenage life again, warts and all?" Because otherwise, you're talking about a fantasy - a teenage life you didn't even lead. To TRULY be a teenager, even for a day or two, would mean ALL of it: "the insecurities, unrequited crushes, cruel kids at school, frustrating homework, and personal disappointments." With all of that included, as it was the first time, would you take it back then?

I daresay I wouldn't. MAYBE for a day or two, but the feeling of being a teenager was, I think, a much greater emotional burden than I bear in my life right now... and I was an extremely happy teenager. Sure, I'd tour the highlights... but that wouldn't be a true teenage experience. A true teenage experience is highs that you'll likely never see again, and lows you're glad are behind you. In THAT context, I think I'll stick with what I've got now!

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Yes, good point--I also would not want to be a teenager again long term. Just for a day or two, to experience some happy memories. I'd even take the whole package of the awkwardness of teenager years though, if I was just a tourist of my past self for a little bit. I think it would be interesting to re-experience it!

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